Our vascular expertise means that you will receive the best care and advice

We treat varicose veins using worldwide gold standards, meaning little or no time off work, and minimal discomfort.

Come and speak to our friendly team of experts to find out what treatment is right for you.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are veins that are no longer working effectively. Healthy veins transport blood back to the heart. Blood should only flow in one direction through veins, assisted by valves. When these valves fail, blood travels back down the veins, stretching them, making them become enlarged and twisted.

Varicose veins appear under the skin as bulging bluish-green lines. Aside from their physical appearance, many people have symptoms from varicose veins. This can be swelling, aching, heaviness, itching, pain, fatigue, or skin discolouration and even ulceration.

Symptoms are typically worse at the end of the day, and after prolonged standing or sitting. Symptoms will not improve without treatment and can worsen with time, possibly leading to ulcers.

Two main treatment methods

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There are two main types of treatment available for varicose veins. The gold standard world-wide is “endovenous ablation” which involves sealing the leaking veins closed. This is done by using a combination of heat and / or chemical energy. The heat energy is delivered by either electricity (radiofrequency) or laser energy and the chemical works by scarring the vein closed (sclerotherapy). The combination of heat and chemicals is normally used over the course of 1 to 3 treatment sessions.

The other method of treating varicose veins is to physically remove them from the leg by “open surgery” often also called “stripping”, “ligation” or “avulsions”. This method is rarely needed. It requires a general anaesthetic.

How is the treatment carried out?

Endovenous ablation is a straightforward treatment that is carried out in the treatment room using local anaesthetic. You are fully awake during the procedure and can eat and drink normally on the day of your surgery. You will lie on the treatment bed and your leg(s) will be re-scanned. The main veins are then accessed under ultrasound guidance.

For Radiofrequency treatment, the heating element is placed inside the vein and is then surrounded by cool fluid containing local anaesthetic to cool and numb the area. Heat is then applied inside the vein and the heating element slowly removed from the vein.

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Sclerotherapy treatment involves injecting the veins with “Fibrovein” - a chemical which scars the veins shut. Ultrasound is used to ensure the Fibrovein goes directly into the vein and to track the movement along the treated veins.

Most people need a combination of Radiofrequency and sclerotherapy to treat their veins. One leg usually takes around 60 minutes to treat and involves several small injection sites. A compression stocking is then applied and you are able to return to most normal activities.

Vascular Ultrasound icon • Nelson Vascular
Vascular ultrasound
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Aortic aneurysm repair
Carotid Artery Disease icon • Nelson Vascular
Carotid artery disease
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Peripheral arterial disease

Contact Us

Nelson Vascular

The Collingwood Centre
105 Collingwood Street, Nelson
You’re in safe hands with our highly skilled team. Contact us today to find out how we can help. We are an affiliated provider for Southern Cross.
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